Tuesday, December 7, 2010

General Comments 12-7-2010

We like the second proposal for the master bedroom + guest half bath.  Good sugguestion!

We think 5'-6" for the walkway sounds good.  Seems like a good width, but not too wide.

We understand your comments that for example the garage inside width would be 12', not 12'-6" due to the wall width.  Makes sense.  In your opinion, do all the room, bathroom, etc. sizes seem to be a good size?  Its hard to judge from just the dimensions.  Your experience/comments would be helpful.

We like your proposal for the casita setups - with no living/bedroom divider wall, more open loft style.  We put a couple of comments on preferences for each part of the casita (bath/bedroom/living).  If you have some suggestions for the bath setup like you did for the second floor that would be great!

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